Wednesday 17 April 2013

The Last Scene

I'm trying to get everything wrapped up as I'm coming close to the deadline of my assignment, so I'm working on my last scene, because it's the only one that isn't stepped out yet, so I started yesterday at stepping everything. I wanted to cycle my walk cycle, where you animate two steps, then cycle it with offset in the graph editor, so you don't have to animate 200 frames. Well I tried that and everytime I tried to cycle it  something would go wrong, and I attempted this alot of times. In the end I gave up and thought I am just going to animate each step, which is probably a waste of time but, I couldn't figure out to cycle and didn't want to waste time on this. I can add that to my list of things, I need to learn and practise that over summer. But anyway this is what I have so far, it's still a bit steppy in some places, but I think if I sort the legs out it'll be on it's way to being finished.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Preparing for the Jump

So I've been working on the part of my animation, where the main character has just came through the rooftop fire exit. and now he's preparing himself to jump. I really had no reference for this part of my animation so I went out and did some reference. It took me a while to think what I  actually wanted the character to do. And then I thought it would be good if he was limbering up, so you know that this is a hard thing for him to do, he's not used to jumping off rooftops. Below you can see a reference video of my friend limbering up for the task...

And below is my progress so far with animating this reaction...

Sunday 7 April 2013

Fixing Things

I've went back to my very first scene, as I'm close to the polishing stage, or splining stage whatever you would like to call it. And I'm just checking everything is looking correct. There was a few things with my first scene that weren't quite right, which was the timing, arm ghosting through the banister and knee's pointing the wrong way. So I've fixed them now there's still a few more things I have to do, such as adjust the poses slightly, and facial animation, and pose fingers. But here's a play-bast of Scene one so far.....